Example of school report for facilities

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Dear Sir, I am writing regarding an article published in your magazine last week entitiled ...... I strongly disagree with the writer for a number of reasons. Firstly, as Socrates wrote, work makes the man. However, in Plato's Dialectics he argued that, on the contrary, one must have sufficient rest to Secondly, I believe that we need to 'recharge our batteries' in order to have the energy to work efficiently. For example, as an IB student …

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…have now added a bar to the pool allowing you to be totally relaxed swimming in the deep end or jumping off the diving board. Free drinks every time you jump! Doctors- After this new facility, trained medical staff are on standby with dogs trained to swim and rescue disabled children. I highly recommend this pool because it is the only one in Chaoyang apart from the pond behind Annie's restaurant (during the rainy season).