Examine the relationship between drug abuse and crime.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Introduction For the past decade the prison population has slowly increased while at the same time crime rates have fallen. This is no longer the case. The current rise in crimes is due mainly to increased numbers of burglary, street robberies and drug offences. Soaring crime rates has been a major problem in Britain as crime has been rising steadily for many years and the fear of a crime is high among many Britains. There …

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…that not all drug users are addicts. Indeed, there is a large population of regular drug users who are not addicted. This can be related to the large numbers of people that drink alcohol, but are not necessarily addicted to it. As the police do not record which crimes are drug-related, we do not know exactly how big a problem drug-related offending is. However, there is undoubtedly a strong association between drug use and crime.