Examine the process which consumers go through in order to purchase a mobile phone.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Executive Summary We're living in the digital age. The shrinking, knowledge-based, global village - a world of opportunity and daily discoveries. The way we interact has been radically transformed, and central to that transformation is mobile communications. The mobile phone industry is changing and, as customers become more sophisticated and demand more from their handsets, they are looking for new value when it comes to choosing what to buy. This increases their consumer involvement when …

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…lt;Tab/>Shiffman L. & Kanuk L. 2000 Consumer Behaviour 7th Edn. Prentice Hall <Tab/>Neal, C., Quester, P. and Hawkins, D. (2002), Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy, (3rd ed), Sydney: McGraw-Hill Irwin. <Tab/>Kotler, Adam, Brown and Armstrong, (2001), Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall Australia Pty Ltd <Tab/>Hankinson and Cowing, (1993), Branding in Action, McGraw Hill Publishing, UK.