Evolution of Modern Dance

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Emerging in 1890 when dancers and choreographers revolted from the stiff and structured Ballet technique, modern dance has evolved a lot over the years. Soon after, in 1905, Isadora Duncan established the first school of modern dance in Berlin, Germany. Ruth St. Denis, born Ruth Dennis, offered a performance of Radha, her first dance work, in 1906. She married her dance partner, Ted Shawn, eight years later. Together they founded the Denishawn Dance Company. Two famous names in …

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…gt;The next year, Merce Cunningham established his own modern dance company. Two years later, Alvin Ailey created the American Dance Theatre. He had studied dance with Lester Horton, who taught in Los Angeles. Ailey received many awards throughout his dance career. <Tab/>Modern dance has truly changed since 1890. It started as a simple revolt against Ballet and became one of the most famous forms of dance in the theater world.