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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Should people be allowed to kill each other? Should killing others be legalized even if it's dressed up in a fancy scientific word? No? Well, that's why I believe Euthanasia should not be legalized. Euthanasia is a fast, painless death, but in most cases, not painless at all. Henrickson and Martin 24 say, and I quote; "Euthanasia is the inducing of painless death of a person for reasons assumed to be merciful". Those two words do …

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…is legalized, and doctors perform it, and get paid for it, it's just the same as getting paid for murder. Murder is murder, and if anyone is strong-minded enough to perform it or allow it, they must have a weak heart. Sources used: <Tab/>The Controversy over Euthanasia- <Tab/>Encarta 98 <Tab/>Humphery 112 <Tab/>