European Ethnocentrism regarding the writtings for Native Americans

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Essay 2 After reading on the invasion of the America's it was clear that the book contained a lot of European ethnocentrism. The chapter was based on Calloway's point of view as to what happened. He had a lot of testimonies that came from different European soldiers as to what they felt the Indians experienced. In order to not have the European ethnocentrism Calloway needed to include the Indians point of view as well. He somehow …

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…experienced but nothing from the Indian's themselves. I remember in the beginning of Calloway's book he made a statement along the lines that in order to fully understand the Native American's history we (the readers) need to get all sides of the story. This chapter makes Calloway look like a hypocrite in my eyes because we only get one side of the story. This chapter was very poorly written and unfortunately is all European ethnocentrism.