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Essay Database > History > North American History
This paper covers aspects of ethnocentrism and cultural relativity. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own culture is superior to all others and is the standard by which all other cultures should be measured. The perspective of structural functionalism drew its inspiration primarily from the ideas of Emile Durkheim, Bronisław Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown. Durkheim was concerned with the question how societies maintain internal stability and survive over time. From my understanding of this …

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…for them. From my understanding, they may think the exact same thing about us. The Middle East has existed way before North America was even discovered. Their way of life probably seam acceptable to them. But to us it seems prehistoric and sometimes even barbaric, this reinforces the fact that Social Structure exists in the world. If everyone would be the same, what would be the point of having so many different countries and languages?