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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Ethnocentrism is a controversial issue which has been present for millennia. It has occurred all over the world, and has taken many different forms. Ethnocentrism is generally defined as the popular belief that the background or ethnicity of a person is superior (or more central to the Human Race as a whole) than any other ethnicity. This is more loosely translated as one person believing he is "more normal", or fundamentally better than another human. …

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…have been installed outlawing racial discrimination. More freedom has been granted in terms of sexual preference, and schools have done their best to educate their students in the fields of ethnic difference, equality, and fairness. However, we still have a long way to go if we are to grant total equality to all, and efforts have still to be made if the human race ever hopes to see fairness and an end to irrational discrimination.