Essay on Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou relating to the main character, Maya and growing up in her home town of Stamps, Arkansas

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Growing up and taking in the specific surroundings as a young child greatly influences a person's later character, personality, morals, and beliefs. The setting of where and when you grew up molds you into the person you will eventually become. This is extremely true in the case of Maya Angelou in her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Life in Stamps, Arkansas was not easy. Maya lived in this black ghetto for most …

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…woman. Stamps, Arkansas was the beginning and end for it all. It shaped Maya into the women she became and now is. Her attributes of becoming a rebel, a victim, and a survivor shaped and molded the events and final turnout of her life. Struggling through these hurdles and obstacles made Maya Angelou a stronger and better person with the utmost of integrity living in an unfair and unjust world. <Tab/>