Essay discusses basic solutions for juvenile offenders, where they should be placed and what should be done.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jails were one of the first facilities around to house juveniles. Many attempts have been made to improve these jails and also many different forms of jails have been built. The two main buildings would be the secure prisons such as "juvy" and the staff secure housing which involves little supervision. The secure prisons would house more severe criminals who would be doing "hard time". They usually consist of a well supervised staff and rules …

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…attempts to help juvenile's better themselves. Some have succeeded and many have failed but there is hope. If we just find the right solutions and follow through with them I guarantee you, you will see a change mostly for the better. I am not saying everyone will change because that is just the way the world works but we can try and improve a kid's life by not putting him or her in risky situations.