Environmental protection and the limits of Cassis de Dijon

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Environmental protection and the limits of Cassis de Dijon 1.0 Introduction. At beginning of the new millennium it is clear that the European Union is a recognisable global community with a comprehensive body of legislation, norms and procedures and is set to remain in this way for the foreseeable future. The Community's influence on individual member states' internal policies has become more evident and community integration is at the top of the agenda in order to …

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…being that it just requires measures to be proportionate and not the most appropriate. Some of these limits are remedied in court by the ad-hoc application of the doctrine but this in turn leads to the limit of uncertainty. In a way this is a 'necessary evil.' Ultimately, one can not help but think that inclusion of environmental protection as a possibility for derogation under Art.30 may have proved to be the optimum solution.