End of Days

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Literature > English
End of Days The Millennium has had a wide variety of effects on our popular culture, which is evident by how the ideas about the millennium are encoded, perpetuated, and disseminated to a mass adiuence. A large protion of ideas about the millennium are circulated to the population through the use of movies and film. To this end, one movie, entitled "The End of Days", which was released in December 1999, is an excelent portyal of …

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…the face of adversity to do anything and everything necessary to ensure the continuation of life as we know it. The movie is a combination of both truth and fiction, which allows the viewer to relate to the story, but hinders one's fears of the possiblity of this actually happening. Overall, I believe that the movie the "End of Days" is a perfect example of the effects of the new millennium on the popular culture.