Employment Law Case Pertaining to Race

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Title VII's prohibitions apply regardless of whether the discrimination is directed at Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Arabs, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, multi-racial individuals, or person of any other race, color, or ethnicity. A federal judge awarded 17 white police officers from Milwaukee Police Department $2.2 million in compensatory and punitive damages and an additional $1.5 million to compensate for loss of higher salaries they would have earned had they been promoted fairly. The jury found …

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…for captains weren't posted, that there were no specific criteria for the job-not specialized training or minimum experience - and no interview process" reported by, Milwaukee News. The system was in place before Jones became chief. Jones denied discriminating against anyone and he pointed out that more than half of his promotions to captain were white men. Reference: Barton, G. (2005, August 30, 2005). Discriminaitn award increases. Retrieved April 23, 2005, from http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id