Electronically Mediated Communication: The use of cell phones, computers, internet, etc and how it affected our relationships. Contains graphs and percentages.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Electronically Mediated Interpersonal Communication Our everyday communication involves talking to friends, lovers, family members, acquaintances, co-workers and people in service positions. We do this routinely, usually without much thought, unless some problem occurs or the relationship starts to take a turn for the worse. Then we become painfully aware of the poor communication we have had with another. We've probably all had relationships that slipped away because we couldn't talk to each other or didn't …

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…literally have the world at our fingertips. We can communicate with someone in Ireland at the press of a button. The effectiveness of Electronically Mediated Communication as it relates to inter-personal communication lies solely in how we choose to use it. EMC, if used incorrectly can drastically deteriorate the level of human intimacy and can take away the private aspect of communication with loved ones and has in turn made it into a public affair.