Electrical Energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Electrical Energy A capacitor can store electrical energy. Connecting it across a resistor or other device discharges it. Across the resistor there is a potential difference that creates the electric current. When the charge in the capacitor decreases, at the same time the voltage decreases. As a result the rate at which the capacitor is discharged, which is the current, is decreased. The outcome of this is that the capacitor will be completely discharged meaning …

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…reduces the power loss in the power lines by keeping the current squared factor low. Long-distance transmission lines always operate at high voltage to reduce power loss. The electrical energy used by many devices is the rate of energy consumption, which is measured in large numbers of joules called a kilowatt-hour. A kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy equal to 3.6*10^6 J. It is a unit of energy that is the product of power and time.