Effects of earthquakes on a typical fishing village

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Plates are a massive, irregularly shaped slabs of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. Earthquakes occur when convection currents in the mantle causes plates to move. When the plates converge/diverge/slide past each other, their movement is not smooth. This causes stress to build up in the rocks, and when the stress is suddenly released when the rocks snap or are displaced along a fault, there will be tremors or …

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…the damage caused, so more lives and property may be lost. Damage to roads also makes it harder to rescue people. All of the above will result in many people being killed and a greater loss of property. In order to minimise the damage caused by earthquakes in the fishing village, we should educate the people about how to respond if there is an earthquake. This could help to minimise the lives and property lost.