Effects of 9/11

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Effects of September 11th 2001 The September 11th attacks involved the hijacking of four commercial planes with full tanks of jet fuel, which were used as bombs in an act of terror. The planes were Boeing 767's which weigh about 400,000 pounds when fully loaded. The plane can carry up to 24,000 gallons of jet fuel (The September 11 Digital Archive). Two planes were flown into the two towers of The World Trade Center, one into The Pentagon, and …

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…Bush was in an elementary school when was advised of the attack. I think Bush handled the post-attack reaction in a very calm and professional manner. Like any national tragedy, there is always heartache at a time of distress. The American people came together to show condolences for the lives lost. As we displayed our flag proudly on homes across America, we overcame the misfortunes and found a positive way to cope with the chaos.