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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Does greater economic openness between nations lead towards economic growth and convergence? Greater economic openness between nations does lead towards economic growth and convergence. All of the first world countries demonstrate greater economic openness then third world countries demonstrate. Although economic openness may be a solution to gain economic growth and convergence, free trade may not be the answer. There are two different views on free trade; the conservative view and the liberal view. In …

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…overvalued exchange rates, large current account deficits, short-term capital inflows, opaque financial systems, or one of several other supposedly fatal flaws in East Asian capitalism." It seems fair to say that a few years back, nobody suspected that a calamity like what we have seen was possible, although all of the characteristics that are now described as the fatal flaws of the East Asian economies were reasonably widely understood even then, at least by experts.