Eating Disorder

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My cousin was really fat and she always wanted to lose weight. Whenever asked her why, she always replied to me, "everyone in my family is slim". The real reason she wanted to lose weight, however, was everyone in her family used to tease her. She starved herself to lose weight. No one in her family noticed anything until one day she was completely faint and dehydrated. She was hospitalized for almost a week. But …

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…skin rashes, broken blood vessels in the face, and irregular menstrual cycles. With most eating disorders, female are more affected than men. Approximately 90 to 95% or anorexics are women. One in 200 female between 12 and 18 years of age has anorexia. Parent's need to teach their children the value of healthy living and not send the message that being thin is important. Family and peers need to support people with weight problem, otherwise they go toward eating disorder.