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Essay Database > Literature > English
Every year there are about a million earthquakes. Fortunately, not all of them are destructive. The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter Scale, which goes from zero upward. Major damage generally occurs from earthquakes ranging from 6.0 upwards. The damaging earthquakes also occur either in the narrow belt, which surrounds the Pacific Ocean or in a line, which extends from Burma to the Alps in Europe. Earthquakes are one of natural wonders of …

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…predict everyone. Scientists are currently working on more ways to predict earthquakes due to the major destruction and large amount of deaths they leave behind in such a short time period. By the use of seismographs and tilt meters, scientists are now able to indicate the exact time, location, and size of an earthquake. This has dramatically reduced the number of deaths and the amount of destruction caused by earthquakes over the pasted few years.