Early Civilisation of the Chinese People in China

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Ancient Chinese Civilization By, Valerie Hiew The Ancient Chinese Civilization originated around 4000 B.C. from Neolithic farming communities along the great Yellow River in the North China Plain. Each season, the Yellow River would flood the coastal plain, forcing the farmers to built levees to hold back the flood waters. They also built canals to bring water to their fields. This was the beginning of technology in China. Because of the farmers' success, the population …

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…were interested in silk and tea but have nothing suitable to trade except opium. Many in China got addicted to opium causing the deterioration of China's economy. War broke out between China and Britain when China banned opium from coming into the country causing the empire to weaken even more. With the British winning the war and more uprisings, the last dynasty finally collapsed marking the end of the oldest and greatest civilization in history.