Drugs problem: to legalize or not to lehalize drugs

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Essay Database > Literature
The United States is engaged in a war, not the terrorist war, but another war less noticeable. We are both the creators and victims of our own drug problems. We are a feel-good-quick society, a society of short-cuts and of instant gratification. American society does not handle its drug problem very well. We might agree quickly that American citizens as mature adults should be responsible enough to take drugs for whatever the problem they might …

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…those things all the more" (Vidal). On the other hand, legalizing drugs can also increase drug abuse and diseases, and can be a threat to one's family relationships. No matter what the government suggests, an individual has the free will to do whatever it pleases him/her. Since everybody has their own personal reasons why people do such a thing as abusing drugs, it is sometimes more difficult to prevent such a crime. Grammar problems