Drug legalization.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Any close examination of the "war on drugs" metaphor leads inescapably to the conclusion that one weapon could bring us to the brink of victory--legalization. But most who discuss this option consider it surrender. How have we confused surrender with victory? Let's start by looking at the "war on drugs" metaphor closely, and define some "war" terms. First, who or what is the "enemy?" Second, what defines "victory" in this "war?" Is the "enemy" in …

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…would add that working while impaired by intoxication should be considered a crime. The employer and customer contacts are victimized by that behavior. If an addict in trouble is not employed, and not driving, then we will have to rely on social methods other than law enforcement to get them help. Education on how to assist a friend or relative trapped in a drug abuse pattern would be part of a good attack against ignorance.