Drug Legalization

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Legalizing Illegal Drugs This factual essay explains the benefits of legalizing illegal drugs that grow from the ground. It is important to understand that our issue does not deal with legalizing man-made drugs such as acid or ecstasy, but drugs that grow from the ground such as heroine, marijuana, opium, cocaine, and crack. Man-made drugs are usually almost always fatal, while, ground grown drugs, if used in reasonable amounts, have no deadly effect. In a …

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…drugs and crime was firmly established through acts of legislation. Sometimes it may be prudent to have public policies that attempt to protect people from making the sort of unwise decisions that can cause harm to themselves. Seat-belt laws are possible examples. It is more important, however, to protect people from the dangerous behavior of others. The gunfire and societal mayhem resulting from drug prohibition endangers people who would never consider taking the prohibited drugs.