Drug Legalization

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Drug Legalization Walking around any local mall during the weekend there is a strong chance that a person might see a shirt that reads, "legalize it." This phrase refers to legalizing marijuana. It is very possible that this person might have glaucoma or is suffering from cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. This is very unlikely, however, because the shirt is also decorated with skulls and bright colors of tie-dye. Legalizing marijuana and other drugs including …

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…the prohibition of alcohol, but when it is used as an argument for legalizing drugs, we should examine the facts. Knowing the harm that alcohol has caused our society, think of what would happen if drugs like marijuana, crack, cocaine, and PCP would also become legalized. It is extremely foolish to welcome more addictive set of chemicals into our lives. Drugs are not dangerous because they are illegal; they are illegal because they are dangerous.