Drug Abuse: Should Marijuana be legalized?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Although possessing a medicinal value and therapeutic uses for body ailments such as multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and anxiety, exaggerated marijuana abuse is harmful to the body and legalizing the drug would pose negative effects upon public health and well-being. The main argument of pro-legislators of Marijuana is that of its therapeutic uses. The drug is said to be a source of relief to sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, and patients argue that smoking a joint before …

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…for the legalization of other illegal drugs. Also, decriminalization and increase of availability may lead to an increase in abuse, leading to favourable results in academic and educational facilities being significantly reduced. In conclusion, the negative aspects of Marijuana abuse by far outweigh the positive, and should this drug be legalized, it is indeed clear that public safety and well-being as well as the personal health of the individuals consuming the substance will be compromised.