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Essay Database > Literature > English
Drivers: Competent, Overcautious, Wreckless After driving for many years in frustrating rush hour traffic, one might find there are three types of drivers, competent drivers who keep the flow going, over cautious drivers who cause slow and backed up traffic, and wreck less drivers who cause wrecks. First, there are competent drivers who drive safely by not speeding and obey the common driving laws. Good drivers also pay attention not only to the road, but …

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…not see a car coming. Such as, two weeks after having Matthew, I was driving to a Tupperware party while putting on my make-up I ran a stop sign and hit a mini van. Consequently, it is easy to understand how the three types of drivers can make rush hour so frustrating. While the competent drivers are keeping the flow of traffic moving, the overcautious and wreckless drivers are slowing down traffic and causing wrecks.