"Dover Beach"

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
In the poem "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold there is a lot of irony, appeal to the auditory and visual sense, and illusions. The tone in this poem is very sad and dismal, but he shows us how to keep faith and hope in spite of that and how important being honest, true, and faithful to one another, really is. Throughout this poem , Arnold mentions all of these traits and ties them all together. The …

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…faithful to one another. "Dover Beach," by Matthew Arnold, is a love poem, but is it mostly about something deeper than love. He uses language that appeals to the senses, visual and auditory, it is overflowing with irony, and incredible amounts of illusion. But he still keeps that glimmer of hope in the back of his mind. He ties all of this together to write a poem about faithfulness and being true to each other.