Domestic Violence 3

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Although domestic violence includes sibling abuse and elder abuse, and child abuse the focus of my essay is on spouse abuse. Domestic violence has many names; family violence, battering, wife beating, and domestic abuse. All these terms refer to the same thing, abuse by a marital, common law, or a dating partner in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence is not limited to physical beatings. It is any behaviour that is intended to subjugate …

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…is a crime is not strong enough either. What are these abusive people supposed to think when they are arrested, given a slap on the wrist, and then released the next day. My research has opened my eyes and made me aware of what is going on and what needs to be done. In the future I will do what is in my power to help get the message across and prevent it if possible.