Domestic Terrorism

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Essay Database > Law & Government
There are many different definitions of domestic terrorism. However, I define domestic terrorism as physical violence, actual or threatened, against an organization to create fear in order to effect some kind of political and or social change within the United States. Unlike international terrorism, domestic terrorism is usually carried out by local citizens who have become offended or feel threaten or believe they have or will be mistreated by organizations within their own society (government …

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…of racial separation and white Protestant supremacy echoed throughout white society in the 1920s, as racial and religious hatreds determined the political dialogue in many communities. Few white-controlled institutions or organizations in the United States either practiced or espoused racial integration or equality, allowing the Klan to proudly proclaim its continuity with established sentiment among whtes. (Whamond page 49) Reference: Miki Vohryzek-Bolden, Gayle Olson-Raymer, Jeffery O. Whamond. (2001) Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management: Issues and Tactics. (3-72)