Do Cell Phones Cause Health Risks? Radiation's Effects on the Human Body.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Many public agencies, along with the general population, have heard numerous reports about how mobile phone devices emit radiation that is absorbed by the user's body. These startling accounts have begun to worry many safety organizations, and many are disappointed to announce the inconclusive research behind cell phone risk. Numerous companies, including the United States Government, have conducted experiments dealing with the dangers of this type of radiation, and the results of these tests usually …

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…safer phones. The general accepted theory behind cell phone radiation is that there is no hard evidence that it causes cancer or other health problems, although it is important to note this finding is inconclusive. It is still important for researchers to "identify gaps in knowledge needing further research" because "the number of people using mobile phones has grown so large, even small adverse effects on health could have major public health implications" (US Accounting, 12).