Divorce and Its Impact on Children

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
"Over 60 percent of couples seeking a divorce have children still living at home" (Landers). Many of those children suddenly were filled with all new feelings of fear of abandonment, guilt, and sadness. Such emotions are normal for children to have. "Children may feel angry or frightened...they may feel guilty and imagine that they 'caused' the problem," (Tips for divorcing parents). Typically, divorce is difficult for everyone involved, yet its greatest victims are the children. …

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…their lives. Works Cited Harrar, Sari. "5 tips for tough times." Healthy Kids. Infotrac. May 2003. v55 p53. October 14, 2003. <http://infotrac.galegroup.com> Jackson, Maridith. "Why Use Books With Children During Divorce?" Missouri Families. April 2003. October 12, 2003. <www.missourifamilies.org>. Landers, Ann. "The effects of divorce on children." American Responsible Divorce Network. October 14, 2003. <www.responsible-divorce.com>. "Tips for divorcing parents." Infotrac. January 2003. Brown University. V19. October 14, 2003. <http://infotrac.galegroup.com>