Divorce 2

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Divorce, Remarriage, and Relationships What might be the effects on the relationship between children and their parents caused by divorce and remarriage in today's society? The answer to this question is one which demands consideration by any one interested in our society and its present trends. Though divorce has not always been common in the United States, in the last two decades many American families have been faced with divorce. " (About 40 percent of American children …

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…families. The American way of life seems to be more and more infiltrated by divorce and remarriage every decade. The standard way of looking at the family has changed. In order to have healthy, strong, and positive relationships, the "new" American family must learn to cope with problems and difficulties rarely faced by past generations. Needles 5 Works Cited Cherlin, Andrew. Public and Private Families. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999. Marital Status. 1997. Adler Productions www.divorce/articles/helping.html.