Discriptive essay about a place

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A truly unique place The chilled room was filled with a stunning array of bright, beautiful colors. The sweet aroma of Lemonheads and candy necklaces filled the air. The hard black and white, checkered floor was freshly moped, leaving a light coat of water over it. The old thick wooden door, "dinged" with excitement, every time it opened. Each wall in the room was perfectly lined with clear glass bowls, conveniently stuffed with delicious candies. …

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…ready for money. <Tab/> On the blandly painted walls, hung old pictures. They were neatly framed and placed on the wall, along with shiny plaques and hand made cards from satisfied customers. You could truly tell that this wasn't just a place to get candy. It was a place to make memories, a place to have fun, and a place to recapture childhood. This was truly a magical and unique place.