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Essay Database > Literature > English
Age Discrimination By David H. Greenberg & Jeremy Pasternak ?2000 the Risk Management Letter While sexual harassment and discrimination suits have been getting most of the media headlines in recent years, age discrimination suits hold the potential to be a much bigger, long-term problem for employers, especially at a time when the workforce is steadily aging. So say the authors of the following article, reprinted with permission of RiskVue and the Risk Management Letter. By now, every …

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…and punitive damages. But it can be a barrier. The difference with age discrimination is this: everyone hopes or expects to grow old. In some respect, all jurors can see themselves in the place of the older worker who claims discrimination. While this theory is difficult to prove, and its effect difficult to quantify, it stands to reason that it to some extent accounts for the large size of jury verdicts in age discrimination cases.