Disciplining your child

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Disciplining your child can be rough on the child but mostly on you. Disciplining your child is a hard thing to do when it comes around. The main thing parents worry about is when should I discipline, how should I discipline, and what are some things I can do instead of disciplining. But disciplining is not all that bad if you now the basic steps. The first step is, when should I discipline? Here is …

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…parent, not a friend, when disciplining be firm, consistent, and early, control the electronics, know where your child is, and don't get to overzealous with your child's self-esteem. This report was basically to help parents learn the fundamentals of discipline and parenting. It states the ways to discipline your child, when to discipline your child, and what things you can do to improve your relationship with your child. Overall this was a guide to parenting.