Diets for Pets with Medical Disorders

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DIETS FOR PETS WITH MEDICAL DISORDERS Homemade Diets For Pets with Skin Disease (Allergic Conditions) The most common skin disorder seen in many veterinary practices is allergic (atopic) dermatitis. This condition results in itchiness after exposure to environmental (usually airborne) allergens (foreign proteins which induce allergies.) True food allergies are quite rare in pets. Food intolerances, in which the pet develops and allergic response to a non-nutrient in the food (such as an additive,) occur …

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…can be used as a top dressing for the diet for extra nutrition and variety (approximately 1/2 -1 cup per recipe) unless the pet relapses (although most cats do not like eating vegetables.) Add one new ingredient at a time. If itching does not worsen within 3-5 days, another ingredient can then be added. 5. Added supplements that can be beneficial include omega-3 fatty acids, glutamine, Prozyme, and Standard Process - Phytolyn 1 capsule per cat per day.