Developmental psych- Teenage pregnancy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Although teenage pregnancies in North America have declined considerably within the past two years, teenage pregnancies continue to be a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Today's rates are still higher in 1990 than they were only a decade ago. In North America, teenage birth rates exceed that of most other industrialised nations, even though North American teenagers are no more sexually active than are teenagers in Europe or other parts of the world (Gormly, 1997). …

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…women who have a child during their teen years is declining. Recognising the impact of childbearing on education, parents and communities continues to discourage young people from pre-maturely engaging in sexual activity, marriage, and motherhood (Tunick, 1997). If these recent trends continue, along with the provision of continued education to the adolescent population about the risks and consequences of teenage pregnancy, the incidence of teenage pregnancy and childbirth will surely continue to decline in the future.