Devastation Overseas: The Tsunami in SouthEast Asia:

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
On December 26th, Indonesia, Sumatra Island, and the surrounding land were devastated by a giant tidal wave that hit them. I can only imagine how it would be if a tidal wave hit the metro area. I imagine you would be able to see for miles because all of the trees and buildings would be knocked flat down. I also imagine it would be almost impossible to walk because all the land has been turned …

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…and see my family everyday like I usually do every now and then. I would be alone in the world surrounded by other kids just like me. Parents dead. Siblings dead. Friends dead. No longer able to go to the mall or movies with them and walk the halls of school everyday like there wasn't a care in the world. Not knowing all that could be changed in one day. <Tab/>