Detailed notes on Infinitives.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
INFINITIVES Infinitives, usually, but not always, is preceded by to. While you normally think of only one type of infinitive (to + verb), there are actually four types: Active Present: to drive Passive Present: to be driven Active Perfect: to have driven Passive Perfect: to have been driven Infinitives become difficult because they can function as a noun, an adverb, or an adjective. It is up to you to determine which one. Infinitives are similar to …

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…noun. Look to see if the infinitive phrase functions as a subject, a direct object or a predicate nominative, or an object of the preposition. If it doesn't, assume it is an adverb. Ask yourself the following question, "Does the infinitive phrase (read it aloud), tell me WHY?---then read the rest of the sentence. If it makes sense, it is an adverb. Infinitive phrases functioning as an adjective, modify the noun to the right.