"Describe a major sacrifice that someone has made for you to attend college or graduate school and how that sacrifice has influenced your life."

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"Describe a major sacrifice that someone has made for you to attend college or graduate school and how that sacrifice has influenced your life." I am a 20-year-old student and single mother of two; Kolby, who is 5 and Peyton, who is almost 3. My children have had to make the biggest sacrifice in order for me to attend college and better our lives. When I was 15, I had Kolby, my son. I was in the tenth …

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…ones! I chose to take a very rocky path but it has obviously been the right path for me. I have not stopped fighting for the three of us because I know what they have given up for me is too important to just throw away. I will continue through college just as I did through high school, constantly trying to do better, and every time I do, I will be thinking of my children.