Deforestation of the Amazon

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Deforestation Deforestation is when forest habitat is lost due to natural or human related causes. There's natural related causes of deforestation like tsunamis, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and glaciations and there is Human related causes of deforestation like mining, logging and farmers burning forest for farming. The Causes of deforestation Cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in Brazil. This has been the case since at least the 1970. This is because the eradication of …

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…and sell the resources on for profit because it will make the nation wealthier. This is in the interest of the people who live in those nations, but is not in the interest of the world and is not the right decision. Trees can be chopped down and then grown again forever but they cannot be consumed at such a high rate as they are at the moment for they need time to grow back.