Debate on the Existence of God

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Philosophy of the Middle Ages is almost entirely based on the belief of an all-powerful, omnipotent, and benevolent god. The belief in a god being required to verify the legitimacy of the medieval period's arguments dictates that these arguments are flawed. With an agnostic's view, God either does not exist or he is not worth worshipping. The god with whom the medieval philosophers relate to must be an imperfect being if it allows this …

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…solve the controversy of the existence of God is to make ones own decisions on the subject. No ones views are more valid than any other person's is. Likewise no one should ever impose his or her beliefs on other people. This is a form of disrespect for other people to make their own valid decisions. Also, nobody should ever censor the beliefs of other people in anyway, even if the views expressed are offensive.