Death Penalty

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Spencer Marrow 12/5/00 Death Penalty: thoughts The Death Penalty has always been a topic of debate. Weather or not it is morally right for a convicted felon to be committed to death for a crime or life in jail. Execution under civil authority can be viewed the same way as murdering someone in cold blood. But to others on the other hand it is the right thing to do so the person will pay the ultimate …

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…on death row was sped up so to lessen the high cost of doing it. Inmates are on the list to be executed for sometimes many years, which is ridiculous. Hopefully with the two candidates in the run for presidency that are pro-death penalty, will revise this whole ordeal and simplify it to better strengthen our law enforcement and to lessen the amount of money spent, and use it on something more important. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**