Death Penalty

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
When turning on the television, radio, or simply opening the local newspaper, one is flooded with news of arrests, murders, homicides, and other such tragedies. There are many things that I don't agree with in today's society but, out of all the wrongdoing that takes place, I believe murder including the death penalty is the worst of them. I am strongly against the death penalty because it violates God's rules, costs the taxpayers too much …

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…to overcome. The death penalty is a cruel and barbaric practice that must be eliminated from today's society. With the many advances that society has made, executing people for crimes the person may have or may not have committed is still practiced. It violates so many religious beliefs. It is a cruel and unusual practice that must be done away with. Society must advance and eliminate the death penalty, hopefully never to come back again.