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Essay Database > History
Preliminary figures from the National Weather Service showed that more than 50 tornadoes touched down throughout the eastern United States. Most of those killed were in Tennessee, where 17 people died. Twelve others died in Alabama, five in Ohio, one in Pennsylvania and one in Mississippi. One storm slammed into the town of Mossy Grove, in eastern Tennessee, cutting a path of destruction about a mile long and a mile wide, officials said. Brenda Stansberry joined her …

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…Musgrove and state emergency officials were planning to survey the damage Monday. Pennsylvania A Mercer County emergency management official confirmed that one person was killed and others hurt during storms in the county, in northwestern Pennsylvania. Kentucky Severe storms roared through southeastern Kentucky, striking McCreary County. In Pine Knot, about 15 miles west of Williamsburg, part of the roof was torn from East Tabernacle Church, according to Lt. Stephen Dilreath of the McCreary County Fire Department.