Dead by Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer By: Ann Rule

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It was a warm and beautiful Sunday night on September 21, 1986 at the Sunset Highway, in Oregon, when Cheryl Keeton's brutally bludgeoned body was found in her van. The van was in the fast lane and found by a motorist, Randall Kelly Blighton, who stopped to see if he could offer any type of help. Blighton saw a silhouette of an infant in the vans window, which he now says was a car seat, and felt …

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…this at the time but later changed his mind and Judge Alexander included the "...criteria for a finding of manslaughter in the first degree as well as for murder (Rule, 1995, p.417)." The jury was out for over five hours before returning to the courtroom. The verdict read, "We find the defendant, Bradly Morris Cunningham, guilty of murder (Rule, 1995, p.419)." Cunningham was sentenced to a minimum of 22 years and would not be eligible for parole until 2014.