Dating and Self Esteem

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Single adults partake of many activities to seek dates and find mates. Many use advertisements in local newspapers to attract possible candidates for a relationship. Others go to single's clubs and bars to find their potential soul mate. The type of activities people choose are dependent on the person's self-esteem and self-confidence. The information for this research was obtained from the article "Self Esteem of Persons Seeking Dates Via Bars, Singles Clubs, and Personal Advertisements." …

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…a person uses to find a date is directly related to the amount a self-esteem a person posseses. A person with low self esteem will lean towards the anonymity of personal advertisments, while those with higher self-esteems will use physical attraction, and seek a date in bars and clubs. Also, the number of methods used depends on self-esteem as well: the lower the self-esteem, the more methods they will use to find a suitable date.