Dates in History of Computers

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
DATES 1780 - Early public schools adopt the teacher/manager model with the teacher as the primary manger of instruction and assessment in a single classroom. 1946 - First vacuum tube-based computers developed; universities help in computer development effort; technology used in war effort. 1951 - Little technology used in schools, primarily TV; baby boom begins with resulting increases in class size; first-generation Univac computer delivered to the US census bureau. 1954 - General Electric is the first business …

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…and instruction using the Internet; many schools are r ewiring for Internet access; a few schools install web servers and provide faculty with a way to create instructional web pages. 1997-98 - The growth of the internet will expand with new uses and new, unexpected applications. Voice recognition slowly enters the computing mainstream. Educational software will grow even more popular with the introduction of much larger CD-ROM capacities. More computers may incorporate TV capabilities. and ???