"Date Rape"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
In this article, Lois Pineau doesn't really argue the point of whether or not date rape is wrong, but more of how it is seen in a courtroom. In Pineau's article she first states the opposing side (the male/court's perspective) on date rape, and then follows it up with her argument disproving their explanations. Pineau defines date rape as "no aggravated sexual assault, non-consensual sex that does not involve physical injury, or the explicit …

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…we have today it seems quite easy for a man to get away with date rape. Pretty much all they have to do is present reasonable belief that she wanted to o through with it, whether or not she said no. Maybe if new laws were put into effect women would be better protected legally against these issues. LaFollette, Hugh. Ethics in Practice, "Date Rape" by Lois Pineau. Published <Tab/>1997. Copyright 1997, 2002.